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Flying the Nest - Coldfall Primary School

I was the lead artist on a sculpture project with Year 2 at Coldfall Primary School, North London for a week of art exploring. This project enabled me to explore a lot of key ideas I had been thinking about in relation to my own art practice and thinking about making print into 3D and experimenting with more sculptural techniques and expanding my own skills.

We made collaborative banners out of tracing paper and tracing images of flying birds as a backdrop to our installation then each student made a clay sculpture of their dream home and then embossed with thin sheet metal an image of their real home and finally made their own bird sculpture out of card, newspaper and modroc which we then hung up in an installation.

The photographs of this final instalation in the school hall became the basis of some of my own printmkaking works, where I used photopolymer plates to create some sepie toned images, I'd like to develop these images further by working more into these prints and adding further layers.

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